The phrase "Thank You" Make Lasting Marriage

The phrase "Thank You" Make Lasting Marriage

Wedding Ideas - The phrase "Thank You" Make Lasting Marriage

Maintaining the continuity of the marriage relationship is not too complicated. A study from the University of California, Berkeley, revealed that only often say "thank you" to your partner, you can create a happy relationship. "Thank you" is a word that is often overlooked, but these two words are an expression of respect for each other.

The phrase "Thank You" Make Lasting Marriage

Although sound trivial, these two words have many positive effects of marriage. "The feeling appreciated by the family will affect the attitudes and actions against the couple. Guess this will also affect how much you want to live with him happily," said Amie Gordon, one of the researchers.

The study included 50 participants with higher educational status, and already has a partner for 15 months. They were asked to fill out questionnaires every night for a whole week. The questionnaire contains questions about their relationship as a couple, and also about the mutual respect antarpasangan.

Nine months later, the study participants were again given the same question about their relationship. From the results of this study obtained data, that when one partner feels valued partner, the next day they will come back to appreciate their partner. And within nine months later, there has been a feeling of mutual respect antarpasangan so they have a stronger commitment to one another.

The research team examined couples aged between 18-60 years, and are paired. Especially for the elderly, they choose people who are married more than half their age to be monitored daily activities. For example, how they interact with each other, how often they come into contact, eye contact, and chat leisurely.

The results revealed that the more often couples understand and care about each other, they will feel more valued and happier in life. Own real gratitude should not always expressed in words. Some simple behaviors such as leaning to the couple when speaking, make eye contact, give a gentle touch, is also considered as a way of expressing gratitude is non-verbal.

However, one of the common mistakes made when one spouse is often start demanding. Demands will make the couple feel disrespected. Instead, say thank you sincerely will help you realize what you have. "Because he's already become the property of life, so you do not forget what made you choose to live with," he said.

If you appreciate and see the positive value in a mate, it's good to always be aware of what you have, and say thank you to him as often as possible in various ways. Respect will help improve the quality of life for your wedding.

Thus the article that I can share about The phrase "Thank You" Make Lasting Marriage, may be useful to you all - The phrase "Thank You" Make Lasting Marriage
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